GP Contract QOF Primary Care Networks

QOF Quality Improvement modules for 2020/2021 – what practices need to know

GP partner Dr Keith Hopcroft explains what the new QOF Quality Improvement modules involve and how to approach them to achieve maximum points with the minimum of fuss

We had been warned that the Quality Improvement (QI) section of QOF would change every year, and this year’s iteration does not ‘disappoint’: there are new modules on Early Cancer Diagnosis and The Care of People with a Learning Disability.

As per last year, there is no skimping on guidance: in total, there are nearly 30 pages to plough through. Read with a critical eye, this is a curious mixture of the vague and prescriptive, with an unhelpful smattering of errors, non sequiturs and broken links.

Nonetheless, the requirements need to be taken seriously as there are 74 QOF points at stake, and claims may need to be backed up by evidence of participation for verification purposes.

An added bonus from complying with the QOF ‘Early Diagnosis of Cancer’ QI requirement is that your Primary Care Network (PCN) will, by virtue of the work its constituent practices are doing for QOF, fulfil pretty much all the areas required in the PCN service specification for Early Cancer Diagnosis found in the latest version of the contract.

The aim of what follows is to distil the guidance into a pragmatic, realistic and digestible summary of what is required, so that the process runs as effectively and efficiently as possible.

The expected structure of each module is the same, and will involve:

  1. A ‘diagnostic phase’ identifying possible areas for improvement.  
  2. An improvement plan
  3. An implementation plan
  4. Participation in at least two PCN meetings
  5. Completion of a template for verification

Follow the links below for step-by-step guides to each specific module:

Summary guide: Early Diagnosis of Cancer QOF QI

Summary guide: Supporting People with Learning Disabilities

Dr Keith Hopcroft is a GP partner in Essex

Guide URL:
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