GP Contract updates: New QOF indicators for 2021/22

NHS England and the BMA have agreed seven new indicators will be introduced into QOF in 2021/22, four in a new vaccinations and immunisation area, as well as two new indicators in the existing serious mental illness area and one in cancer. Details of the new indicators, points and thresholds in each area below.

New vaccination and immunisation domain  

  1. NM197 (adapted) The percentage of babies who reached 8 months old in the preceding 12 months, who have received at least 3 doses of a diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis containing vaccine before the age of 8 months. (Points: 18; Thresholds: 90-95%; Points at lower threshold: 3).
  2. NM198 The percentage of children who reached 18 months old in the preceding 12 months, who have received at least 1 dose of MMR between the ages of 12 and 18 months. (Points: 18; Thresholds: 90-95%; Points at lower threshold: 7)
  3. NM199 The percentage of children who reached 5 years old in the preceding 12 months, who have received a reinforcing dose of DTaP/IPV and at least 2 doses of MMR between the ages of 1 and 5 years. (Points: 18; Thresholds: 87-95%; Points at lower threshold: 7)
  4. NM201 The percentage of patients who reached 80 years old in the preceding 12 months, who have received a shingles vaccine between the ages of 70 and 79 years. (Points: 10; Thresholds: 50-60%; Points at lower threshold: 0).

Agreed serious mental health and cancer QOF indicators, points and thresholds

SMI MH007 The percentage of patients with schizophrenia, bipolar affective disorder and other psychoses who have a record of alcohol consumption in the preceding 12 months. (Points: 4; Thresholds: 50-90%)

  1. NEW The percentage of patients with schizophrenia, bipolar affective disorder and other psychoses who have a record of a lipid profile in the preceding 12 months (in those patients currently prescribed antipsychotics, and/or have pre-existing cardiovascular conditions, and/or smoke, and/or are overweight) or preceding 24 months for all other patients. (Points: 8; Thresholds: 50-90%)
  2. NEW The percentage of patients with schizophrenia, bipolar affective disorder and other psychoses who have a record of blood glucose or HbA1c in the preceding 12 months. (Points: 8; 50-90%).


  1. NEW The percentage of patients with cancer, diagnosed within the preceding 12 months, who have had the opportunity for a discussion and informed of the support available from primary care, within 3 months of diagnosis. (Points: 2; Thresholds: 70-90%).

CAN003 The percentage of patients with cancer, diagnosed within the preceding 24 months, who have a patient Cancer Care Review using a structured template within 12 months of diagnosis. (Points: 6; Thresholds: 50 90%).


NHS England. Supporting General Practice in 2021/22. Letter from NHS England and NHS Improvement and the British Medical Association (BMA) General Practitioners Committee (GPC) England setting out further measures to support general practice in 2021/22. 21 January 21

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