{{ practiceInfo.PracticeName }}


Maximising Revenue


Your practice could expand income by at least this amount per year:

Boost your annual income

{{boost_income | moneyconvert}}

This is calculated by adding up the three lowest performing income areas for your practice (see figures to the right).

Targets areas to increase earnings

We have analysed your payments from 2020-21. Despite there being some income protection, there were potential areas to boost your income when compared with average practices in your CCG. The three biggest areas are listed below. To look deeper at the figures, see the My Income page.

{{ top_funding_pot.name }}

{{ top_funding_pot.ccgdiff | moneyconvert }}

Your annual income £ {{top_funding_pot.Your_Practice | decimalView }}


{{ achievedQOFPoints }} / {{ maximumQOFPoints }}
0 {{ maximumQOFPoints }}

£ {{formatMoney(practiceInfo.practicePerformance[pastYear]["Total QOF payments"], 0)}}

{{ totalQofPayments/achievedQOFPoints | moneyconvert }}

Target Domains

We have analysed your QOF points and prevalence in every domain in 2020-21. Although there was income protection that year, we have estimated how much more money you could potentially earn in the coming year if you achieved maximum points and had the prevalence as the 80th percentile in your CCG. We have picked out the three biggest domains below. To look deeper at the figures, visit your dedicated QOF page.

{{ top_pot.name }}

{{ top_pot.ccgdiff | moneyconvert }}

Your annual income £ {{practiceInfo.practicePerformance[pastYear].qof[top_pot.segment][top_pot.name]["calculations"]["achievement_points"]["income"] | decimalView }}

Your Network

Average Income per patient

£ {{ (practiceInfo.practicePerformance[pastYear]["PI CALCULATED INCOME"] / practiceInfo.practicePerformance[pastYear]["Number of registered patients"]) | rounded }}

{{ practiceInfo.practicePerformance[defaultYear]["Number of registered patients"] | numberconvert }}

PI Compare

Our PI Compare Tool allows you to measure your NHS income against other practices of your choosing on more than 20 different pots of funding.

{{ practiceInfo.practicePerformance[pastYear]["PI CALCULATED INCOME"] | moneyconvert }}

£ {{ (practiceInfo.practicePerformance[pastYear]["PI CALCULATED INCOME"] / practiceInfo.practicePerformance[pastYear]["Number of registered patients"]) | rounded }}

{{ practiceInfo.practicePerformance[defaultYear]["Number of registered patients"] | numberconvert }}

Compare to:

£ {{ totalIncome }}

£ {{ (practiceInfo.practicePerformance[pastYear]["PI CALCULATED INCOME"] / practiceInfo.practicePerformance[pastYear]["Number of registered patients"]) | rounded }}

{{ practiceInfo.practicePerformance[pastYear]["Number of registered patients"] | numberconvert }}